Your New Smile Starts Here

Cost of Invisalign

You are your best investment!

It’s true. A confident, radiant smile is within reach and a game-changer. A straight smile improves your oral health, self-confidence, and mental health. And if you think about it, improving your smile is an important, long-term investment because you’re doing it for yourself.

What is the Cost of  Invisalign?

The cost of your Invisalign treatment depends on various factors, including the complexity of your case, treatment duration, and specifics outlined by Dr. Andrew Taylor. At Taylor Orthodontics, we’re dedicated to ensuring Invisalign is accessible to all by offering flexible payment options.

Invisalign Payment Options

  • Low and no down payment options available
  • Finance free extended monthly payments to fit your budget
  • Various payment arrangements to coincide with your Flex Plan needs
  • Most major credit cards accepted


You may also qualify for Invisalign if your dental plan covers orthodontic treatment. Talk to your insurance provider to determine the extent of coverage for your treatment.

Contact us today to schedule a free consultation to determine if Invisalign is right for you.